Message of Thanks

Springbank United Church Community of Faith supported Brenda’s House, Purses of Hope, The Mustard Seed, Inn from the Cold, Simon’s House, Ronald McDonald’s House, and the Cochrane Food Bank over the Christmas Season (2021).

All of the donations were gratefully received. Thank you for your generosity.

The Outreach Committee reaches out in the community to take on projects as well as inviting the community to participate in programs at Springbank United Church. Below are several initiatives we’re currently involved in:

Mitten Tree

During Advent, we have a “Mitten Tree” on which we collect a great supply of mittens, hats, scarves, and toques to donate to families in need (previously, to Brenda’s House and The Mustard Seed in Calgary).

Food Bank Collection

We support the Cochrane Food Bank by setting aside the first Sunday of every month for the collection of non-perishable food items (though the bin is available in our narthex for donations at any time).

Currrent Outreach Opportunities